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A0009053603 5WK96683C NOX Daviklis

  • Kaina: 299.95€
  • Turime sandėlyje  
  • Gausite: 1 NOX daviklį
  • Būklė: Naujas
  • Continental detalės kopija
  • Mercedes Benz detalės kodas: A0009053603 
  • Continental detalės kodas: 5WK96683C 
  • Garantija: 1 metai

Mercedes Benz A0009053603 5WK96683C NOX Daviklis.

Daviklis pakeičia originalia continental detalė mercedes benz automobiliuose su AdBlue sistema.

Jei užsidegė įspėjimas jog reikia patikrinti variklio darbinius parametrus klaida ir po diagnostikos jums rodo šiuos klaidos kodus P229F62 bank 1 ir arba P2202 bank 2, tuomet jums reikės pakeisti adblue sistemos NOX daviklius.

Padaryti diagniostika, kad nustatytume šias klaidas jums nereikia nuvykti į oficialia Mercedes-Benz atstovybę, tai galite padaryti patys su papraščiausiu OBD2 skeneriu.

NOX reiškia azoto oksidai.

Po A0009053603 NOX daviklio pakeitimo, gali reikėti padaryti detalės adaptacija ir nunulinti skaičiavimo reikšmes arba tiesiog išmetus klaida ištrinti ją su OBD2 skeneriu.

Informacija nuo originalaus lipduko: NS 0004 NS0004 ZGS 002 ZGS002 Q02 Q 02 Q03 Q 03 made in germany.

5WK96683C daviklis naudojamas BlueTec ir 4Motion 4-Motion modeliuose.

Dazniausiai pasitaikancios mercedes-benz klaidos

  • Cannot measure fluid level AdBlue
  • Eng. Start not possible in x mi km

Dazniausiai pasitaikancios diagnostikos klaidos

  • P22A1-22 P22A122 NOx sensor 2(cylinder bank1) has a short circuit to positive. The signal amplitude is greater than the maximum amplitude.
  • P229F-23 P229F23 NOx sensor 2(cylinder bank1) has a malfunction. No signal change: voltage level is too low.
  • P220013 - The NOx sensor 1 (cylinder bank1) has an electrical fault. There is an open circuit.
  • P220108 The NOx sensor (cylinder bank 1) has a malfunction. There is a signal fault or the message is faulty.
  • P221408 The NOx sensor (cylinder bank 2) has a malfunction. There is a signal fault or the message is faulty.
  • P221401 Nox sensor cylinder bank 2 malfunction.
  • P2201-62 NOx sensor (cylinder bank 1) has a malfunction. The signal comparison is faulty.
  • P2202 - NOx Sensor Circuit Low Bank 1
  • P229FE1 P229F(E1) Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor 2, bank 1 - circuit range/performance
  • P220A0(16) Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor 2, bank 1 - circuit low
  • P229E(11) Nitrogen oxides (NOx) sensor 2, bank 1 - circuit malfunction
  • P22A677 - The heater of NOx sensor 2 (cylinder bank 1) has an electrical fault. The commanded position cannot be reached.
  • P2BA901 - The emission limit for the NOx concentration has been exceeded (Adblue quality is too low). There is a general electrical fault.
  • P13DF09 - The Adblue system has a malfunction. There is a component fault.
  • P13E400 - The remaining driving distance is limited due to a malfunction in the AdBlue system.
  • P22A0 - Nitrogen Oxides NOx sensor 2 Circuit Low Voltage Bank 2
  • P22A021 - NOx sensor 2 (cylinder bank 1) has a short circuit to ground. The signal amplitude is less than the minimum amplitude
  • P229F - Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) sensor 2, bank 1 - circuit range/performance
  • P13D-F09 The AdBlue system has a malfunction. There is a component fault.
  • P229F-62 NOx sensor 2 (cylinder bank 1) has a malfunction. The Signal Comparison is faulty
  • P229F-09 NOx sensor 2 (cylinder bank 1) has a malfunction. There is component fault.
  • P220400 the nox sensor (cylinder bank 1) has a sporadic malfunction._
  • P220000 the nox sensor (cylinder bank1) has an electrical fault._
  • P220162 - The NOx sensor (cylinder bank 1) has a malfunction. The signal comparison is faulty.
  • P204F96 - The AdBlue system (cylinder bank 1) has a malfunction. There is an internal component fault.
  • P140300 - The control unit AdBlue has a malfunction.
  • P220E77 - The heater of NOx sensor 1 (cylinder bank 1) has a malfunction. The commanded position cannot be reached.
  • P229f09 - Nox sensor 2 cylinder bank 1 has a malfunction there is a component fault
  • P229f28 - Nox sensor 2 cylinder bank 1 has malfunction
  • P229F62 Signal of NOx sensor 2 implausible
  • P229F62 The signal of component NOx sensor 2 is implausible
  • P220F NOx Sensor Heater Control - Circuit Range/Performance (Bank 1 Sensor 2)
  • P220F-77 P220F77 NOx sensor heater Control Circuit Range / Performance Bank 1 Sensor 2. The commanded position cannot be reached
  • P220F77 - NOx sensor heating (Bank 1 sensor 2) Specified position not reached
  • P220F77 - The heater of NOx sensor 2 (cylinder bank 1) has an electrical fault. The commanded position cannot be reached
  • P20EE84 The efficiency of the SCR catalytic converter (cylinder bank 1) is not sufficient. There is a signal below the permisible limit value

Mercedes-Benz detalės kodai:

  • A 000 905 36 03
  • A 0009053603 
  • A0009053603 

Continental detalės kodai:

  • 5WK96683C 
  • 5WK9 6683C  

Mercedes-Benz automobiliai, kurie naudoja daviklį:

  • C klase W205 Sedanas 2014 2015 2016 2017
  • 2.1L C220d BlueTEC 4MATIC diesel
  • E klase W212 Sedanas Facelift 2014 2015 2016
  • E klase S212 Universalas Facelift 2014 2015 2016
  • E250d E350d 3.0L BlueTEC AMG Line
  • ML W164 SUV ML350 Visureigis

NOX daviklis gali tikti ir kitiems Mercedes automobiliams.

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